This Post Is Lame. Don’t Read This.

A teacher is testing her students. She is asking one of them.
Teacher: What is plus 4 equal to?
Student: 9
Teacher: What is 4 plus 5 equal to?
Student: Haha, you want to trick me, you just turned the question the other way around. The answer is 6 ma’am :D


After finally finishing a jigsaw puzzle, a man bragged about it to his friend.
Man: It took me ONLY five months to finish this jigsaw.
Friend: Why are you so slow in finishing that?
Man: Slow?! Look at the box, man. It says “For 4-7 years”.


A guy went to a shop to buy something.
Guy: What is this?
Shopkeeper: It’s a thermos
Guy: What is it for?
Shopkeeper: It is for keeping the hot meals hot and keeping the cold meals cold
Guy: Okay, I’ll buy one.

The next day,  he brought that thermos to his office.
Friend: Why do you bring that thermos?
Guy:  Because it is for keeping the hot meals hot and keeping the cold meals cold
Friend: What do you put in there?
Guy: Two cups of coffee and a cup of ice cream


Now you know how saying “don’t do” or “don’t visit” or something like that actually makes you want to do it more, right? 

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